Origin: Mexico
Delivery Time In 2 Weeks From Mexico
$850 With Nanny To Deliver To Your Closest Airport (Shipping Is Not Included In Price)
DOB: 12/01/19
Adorable Lil Busicuit ! Micro Apricot Poodle Baby Boy ! ... Lil Biscuit is literally the ideal teddy bear like micro poodle. Biscuit has a supreme coat factor and gorgeous features. Biscuits beautiful rich apricots coat really showcases elite quality. Baby Biscuit is estimated to be 3 to 4 pounds full grown <3
**It is imperative that you read over our purchase process to learn how we operate prior to purchasing a puppy. Visit page HOW TO BUY prior to placing an order or inquiring about a puppy so there is no misunderstanding on how we operate as there is a step by step tutorial on how to purchase and about shipping process.**