Origin: South Korea
Date of Birth:06/17/18
Shipping Options:
- Cargo shipping without nanny is 4 weeks or more depending on age of puppy at the time of sale and size $500 to select cities: Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Miami, New York, Seattle, Washington DC and Canada - Toronto and Vancouver.
- Nanny Shipping is only a 2 week wait and $1500 to almost all other cities in USA.
Baby Luau brings the tropical warmth to any loving household without even trying. This micro baby girl loves to shower people with her cultural affection. Luau loves to makes loved ones giggle with her bright glowing big personality. She has such a silly innocence to her that is infectious. Baby Luau has a gorgeous tropical cream coat and an incredible apple head that truly showcases platinum quality. Baby Luau is the ideal candidate when it comes to a new family member. Everything about her is simply #perfect. She is estimated to be 2.5 to 3.5 pounds full grown! Wow that's amazingly tiny!
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