Origin: South Korea
Shipping Options:
- Cargo shipping without nanny is a 4-8 week wait depending on pups age and size $500 to select cities: Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Miami, New York, Seattle, Washington DC and Canada - Toronto and Vancouver.
- Nanny Shipping $1500 to almost all other cities in USA.
DOB: 10/29/18
The Sweet Baby Passign ! Micro Merle Pomeranian Baby Girl ! .... Oh princess Passion, you really make us all wany a micro pomeranian to be part of our family. Passion has such an alluring sweet gentle personality that is filled with so much life and vibrancy. This micro princess has one blue eye which is extremely rare and royal which adds to her long list of elite qualities. Passion has a gorgeous vivid Merle coat with markings that are prestigious. She is truly the american dream puppy! It does not get any more adorable or precious than her. Passion is estimated to be around 3 pounds full grown <3