Origin: South Korea
DOB: 09/24/18
Shipping Options:
- Cargo shipping without nanny is 4 weeks or more depending on age of puppy at the time of sale and size $500 to select cities: Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Miami, New York, Seattle, Washington DC and Canada - Toronto and Vancouver.
- Nanny Shipping is only a 2 week wait and $1500 to almost all other cities in USA.
Tiny Sweet Lil Kandy ! Micro Black & Tan Yorkie Baby GIrl ! .... You will never meet anyone sweeter than this little micro puppy. Baby Kandy showers everyone with tons of pure love and affection. Kandy has precious delicate features paired with alluring baby doll eyes. She also has a luxurious beautiful black and tan coat. This combination of features, sizing, and cost factor showcase platinum quality! Lil Kandy is estimated to be 3.5 to 4 pounds full grown <3