Origin: South Korea
DOB: 10/12/18
Shipping Options:
- Cargo shipping without nanny is 4 weeks or more depending on age of puppy at the time of sale and size $500 to select cities: Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Miami, New York, Seattle, Washington DC and Canada - Toronto and Vancouver.
- Nanny Shipping is only a 2 week wait and $1500 to almost all other cities in USA.
The Cutest/Tiniest Champion Lil Daisy ! Micro Black & Tan Yorkie Baby Girl ! .... Lil Daisy is the dream micro puppy we have always all wanted. She is pocket size just simply darling in every way possible! Nobody can ever get over her mesmerizing affectionate huge baby doll eyes. Her luxurious glam Black and Tan sleek coat showcases the amazing depth of her quality. She is absolutely perfect! Baby Daisy is estimated to be 2 pounds full grown <3 So Tiny 😍